Saturday, July 18, 2009

Granny Smith Apple Green

For the last few years orange has been the new hot color. While outlet shopping in Manchester Vermont three years ago a sales woman told me that a "New Yorker told her (so it must be true) that orange was the new black". If that was true then granny smith apple green is the new orange

Usually fashion dictates decor. What I mean by that is whatever you see on the fashion runway and then on the streets in one year translates to the new hot interior design craze.  I have noticed many "green" trends in terms of eco-friendly interior design. I have even noticed "green" trends in fashion design. What I haven't seen is granny smith apple green on the runway. None the less it is showing up in all the design magazines and on many Interior Designer's radar screen. In fact I am currently using it as the primary accent color in a beachy bedroom I am working on right now.

So if you are looking for a change and want to be on the cutting edge.....think green in more ways then one.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Utilize Feng Shui to bring abundance, prosperity and wealth to your home!!

Please join us for a free twilight presentation at my office at Main Street Nursery Wednesday, July 8th 2009. Christine A. Bushell, Certified Feng Shui Practitioner is our esteemed speaker. I have learned a great deal from Christine and felt the need to share her with all of you. Cocktails and light refreshments will be served.

I use Feng Shui principles in all of my designs. I learned many years ago the power of Feng Shui. Truly the difference good or bad Feng Shui can make is palpable. Feng Shui (pronounced Fung Shway) which literally means "Wind & Water" two natural elements that flow and circulate the earth, is an ancient philosophy, science and art that shows us how our environments can affect how the energy flows or does not flow in a space. It teaches us about the dynamic relationship between humans and our environments and allows us to see that where we live and where we work can affect us physically and emotionally.

If you want to promote financial flow; optimal health; good relationships, then unblock the Ch'i!!

Save your seat for this fantastic presentation by clicking on the link at Register now as seating is limited. Look forward to seeing you there!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Spring is a great time to revitalize your home

Regardless of whether you have an unlimited budget or no money to spend, a few small changes can have a big impact. The key to refreshing your home is embracing change and taking action.

If you have no money to spend, focus on re-decorating and re-purposing. Start with a total spring cleaning and while cleaning purge, purge, purge. If you do not love everything you touch get ride of it. It is hard work but organizing your drawers and cabinets, cleaning your closets and garage is cathartic. Do the chores around your home you would do if you were getting your house ready to go on the market. If you have energy left rearrange furniture. Go shopping for one room in another. Then kick back and enjoy your summer.

If your budget allows for more flexibility update your window treatments, add new accent pillows, buy a new piece of furniture, change your lighting plan or do it all. Bring the outdoors in with vintage botanical or sea life prints. Cut out pictures you like in magazines and implement the elements you love in the pictures in your own home.

Kelly Dall at Initial Designs offers free consultations and can help you transform any space into one that you look forward to coming home to.